30 April 2021
Accretion disk and relativistic astrophysics meeting
Location: ZARM Bremen - Online
When: 30.4.2021, 13:45 CET
Speaker: Dr. Roberto Oliveri (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
Title: Moving away from the near-horizon force-free magnetosphere
Abstract: Force-free electrodynamics (FFE) approximation gives an effective description of the magnetospheres around black holes. No exact analytic solutions of FFE which are stationary, axisymmetric, and magnetically-dominated, are known around Kerr black hole. However, any stationary, axisymmetric and regular FF magnetosphere in the extreme Kerr black hole approaches the same attractor solution in the near-horizon region of the extreme Kerr. In this talk, I will be using a perturbation approach to move away from the attractor solution in the near-horizon region towards solutions in the extreme Kerr. I will show that one can construct perturbative FF solutions in the extreme Kerr black hole magnetically dominated and with finite angular momentum outflow.
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