External Events


February 2021

01. – 05. February 2021

Experimental Tests and Signatures of Modified and Quantum Gravity
740. WE-Heraeus Seminar

Where: Online, Zoom
When: 01. - 05.02.2021

Further information and contact data can be found here. If you are interested in joining the talks at short notice you may contact the organizer Christian Pfeifer for access data.


August 2020

15. – 22. August 2020


Scientific Assembly

Where: International Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia
When: 15. - 22.08.2020

Further information can be found here.

March 2020

29. March - 3. April 2020


DPG Spring Meeting
of the Matter and Cosmos Section (SMuK)

Where: Bonn
When: 29.03. - 3.04.2020

Further information can be found here.

8. – 13. March 2020


DPG Spring Meeting
of the Atomic, Molecular, Plasma Physics and Quantum Optics Section (SAMOP)

Where: Hannover
When: 8. - 13.03.2020

Further information can be found here.


December 2019

12. December 2019

"Gender- und diversity-informierte Lehre in der Physik"
"Gender and diversity aspects in physics education"

When: Tuesday, 03.12.2019, 14:30 -16:30 h
Where: University of Bremen, NW1, S1360

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Helene Götschel (Hochschule Hannover)

The event was organised by the ZKFF in cooperation with the dean's office and the decentralised women's representatives of the department 1-Physics/Electrical Engineering.

The talk will be held in German.

Trotz des vorherrschenden Diskurses der Gleichbehandlung und Bedeutungslosigkeit von Gender in Physik sind eine Diskrepanz im Geschlechterverhältnis und Geschlechterunterschiede in den Narrationen der Physik wahrnehmbar. Diesen Ungleichheiten wird meist mit Kontext- und Begleitmaßnahmen zur Gleichstellung begegnet, etwa wenn junge Frauen in einem Schnupperkurs zu einem MINT-Studium ermutigt werden. Nachhaltige strukturelle Veränderungen hingegen, etwa zur Veränderung der Fachkultur Physik, werden bislang kaum umgesetzt. Eine Ausnahmebilden hier Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Qualität der Lehre. Im Vortrag werden einige Handlungsorientierungen vorgestellt, mit denen die (Re-)Produktion von Ungleichheit in der Physiklehre herausgefordert werden kann. Zunächst wird diskutiert, welche Impulse sich aus der Literatur zu „Gender und Diversity in der Lehre“ für die Physik gewinnen lassen. Anschließend wird anhand von Beispielen aus der Lehrpraxisvorgestellt, wie eine gender- und diversity-informierte Physikvorlesung gestaltet werden kann. Zu den Strategien, die Differenzen überwinden und Stereotype aufbrechen können zählen dabei das Hinterfragen von Image und Selbstverständnis der Physik, die Kontextualisierung physikalischen Wissens, die Verwendung von Gender und Diversity berücksichtigenden Lehrmaterialien und der kritische Blick auf materiell-diskursive Choreografien physikalischer Demonstrationsexperimente.



March 2019

31. March - 05. April 2019


on Physics of Strongly Coupled Systems

Where: Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
When: 31.03.19 to 05.04.19

Organized by: Dietmar Block (U Kiel), Hubertus Thomas (DLR), Thomas Voigtmann (DLR), Hartmut Löwen (U Düsseldorf), and Claus Lämmerzahl (ZARM, U Bremen) 

Topics and speakers: 

  • Dr. Hubertus Thomas (DLR, Germany) - Complex Plasmas Appetizer Talk 
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Hartmann (Wigner Institute Budapest, Hungary) - Complex Plasmas I: Charging of Particles
  • Prof. Dr. Andre Melzer (University Greifswald, Germany) - Complex Plasmas II: Forces and Confinement
  • Dr. Mierk Schwabe (DLR, Germany) - Complex Plasmas III: Dynamical Processes
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Egelhaaf (University Düsseldorf, Germany) - Colloidal Dispersions Appetizer Talk
  • Prof. Dr. Rene van Roij (University Utrecht, Netherlands) - Colloidal Dispersions I: Charged Colloids
  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Klapp (University Berlin, Germany) - Colloidal Dispersions II: Driven Colloids
  • Prof. Dr. Clemens Bechinger (University Konstanz, Germany) - Colloidal Dispersions III: Self-propelled Colloids
  • Prof. Dr. Ernst Rasel (Universität Hannover, Germany) - Ultra-Cold Gases Appetizer-Talk
  • Prof. Dr. Axel Pelster (University Kaiserslautern, Germany) - Ultra-Cold Gases I: The theory of cold atoms
  • PD. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (PTB Braunschweig, Germany) - Ultra-Cold Gases II: Ion crystals and their application 
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Hemmerich (University Hamburg, Germany) - Ultra-Cold Gases III: Cavities and optical lattices
  • Prof. Dr. Silke Ospelkaus (University Hannover, Germany) - Hot Topic I: The physics of cold molecules
  • Prof. Dr. Daniela Kraft (University Leiden, Netherlands) - Hot Topic II: Colloidal Molecules
  • Prof. Dr. Markus Thoma (University Giessen, Germany) - Hot Topic III: Polarity switching and rheology in complex plasmas

Further information can be found here.

February 2019

10. - 16. February 2019 

Quantum Structure of Spacetime
Workshop in 
Bratislava of the COST Action MP1405 "Quantum Structure of Spacetime QSPACE"

 Where: Comenius University Bratislava

 More information can be found here.


March 2018

5. - 6. March 2018


ISINA - Interdisziplinäre Symposium für Ingenieurinnen und Naturwissenschaftlerinnen 

ISINA is an interdisciplinary symposium for engineers and scientist. It is the fifth time this annual conference takes place. Its main objective is the professional and interdisciplinary exchange. It enables professionals and students form the STEM field to network and support cooperations.

The focus points of the ISINA:

  • Top-class lectures (e.g. Leibniz laureate Prof. Dr. Marion Merklein and energy technologz expert Dr. Kathrin Goldammer)
  • Exciting workshops (job application training, DFG research funding, body language and facial expressions etc.)
  • Presentation of the ISINA Best-Poster-Award (pdf)
  • Cooperation forum with various research projects and participants

The ISINA „Best-Poster-Awards“ will be awarded on 05.03.2018 with a book gift certificate in the amount of 150 € in three categories: Bachelor, Master, and PHD from the STEM fields. The deadline is 15.01.2018.

The Program can be found here.
Please refer to this link for further information or contact maika.filz(at)zfm.tu-chemnitz.de.


July 2017

24-28 July 2017


The 3rd Karl Schwarzschild Meeting

Where:Frankfurt, Germany
What:This meeting will cover several aspects of black hole physics, gravitational waves and gauge gravity duality. There are several plenary sessions (Senior, Junior, Student) planned, with a special focus on the collaboration between young generations and experienced scientists.

more information

April 2017

24 - 28 April 2017 

Do Black Holes Exist? - The Physics and Philosophy of Black Holes

Where:Bad Honnef, Germany
What:The evidence for the existence of Black Holes received a strong boost with the direct detection of gravitational waves which perfectly fit to the simulation of the merger of two Black Holes with masses of around 30 to 40 Solar masses. Further evidence for their existence is given by the observation of stars around the Sagittarius A*, the center of our galaxy, the observation of radiation from accretion disks around many massive galactic Black Holes, high energetic jets emerging from the near vicinity of Black Holes. We are also waiting for further evidence based on new observations with the Event Horizon Telecope and the Black Hole Cam. However, despite these overwhelming observations there is still the question of the interpretation: How shall we deal with the situation that no Black Hole can be observed directly? This question will be discussed by experts from the observations, from the mathematical and theorerical aspects of Black Holes, as well as from the philosophy of sciences.
  • the current status of observations and future plans
  • Black Hole solutions of gravitational field equations and their properties
  • Physical effects in the vicinity of Black Holes
  • the philosophy of Black Holes

more information

March 2017

13. - 17. March 2017

DPG Spring Meeting


Where: University of Bremen, ZARM
When:13.03.2017 - 17.03.2017


DPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Matter and Cosmos Section (SMuK) with the divisions and working groups:

  • Environmental Physics
  • Short Time-scale Physics
  • Plasma Physics
  • Extraterrestrial Physics
  • Gravitation and Relativity
            together with the Astronomischen Gesellschaft e. V.
  • Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
  • Working Group Philosophy of Physics

For more information please visit the meeting's website here.

February 2017

15. – 17. February 2017



The 8th edition of the annual Strings, Cosmology and Gravity Student Conference (SCGSC)

Where:Paris, Institut Henri Poincaré
When:15th and 17th of February 2017
Registration deadline
for speakers:
31st of December 2016
Registration fee:None


Registration to attend or speak is open at: 


Anyone interested in speaking at the conference should register by the 31st of December 2016 at the latest.
Due to a change in the funding circumstances an early registration deadline is no longer imposed: all applications to speak will be considered equally after the final deadline.

This conference is designed to bring together young PhD and early stage postdoctoral researchers working in theoretical high energy physics, especially in areas of string theory, cosmology, and gravity. The primary aim is to give attendants the opportunity to present their research via contributed talks and to form collaborations. There will be no registration fee, and the conference is open to all interested graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.

Contact: scgsc2017@gmail.com

9. - 10. February 2017



11th Nordic String Theory Meeting 2017


When: 09.02.17, after lunch - 10.02.17, afternoon
Where: Leibniz Universität Hannover: Institut für Theoretische Physikseminar rooms no. 267, 268, 269 on 3rd floor
Contact: Olaf Lechtenfeld and  Marco Zagermann


This workshop continues the tradition of the annual Nordic String Theory Meetings. As in the past, the idea is to have a short but intense meeting of stringy people from "nordic" places Berlin (HU), Bremen (Jacobs), Copenhagen (NBI), Göttingen, Groningen, Hamburg (Uni/DESY), Hannover, Potsdam (AEI) and possibly some nordophilic people from not so nordic places. 
Slides of the talks will available online (here)

Financial support for travel or accommodation is unfortunately not available.

Further information can be found here.

January 2017

12. January 2017



Culture and Careers in Physics

When: 12. January 2017, 09:00-19:00 
Where: DESY Hamburg
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg
Registration Deadline: 11. January 2017, form
Registration fee: free

This event is organized by the EU-funded GENERA project coordinated by DESY. It addresses all scientists, PhDs, equal opportunity officers as well as administrative and line managers of physics-oriented institutes. 

Within thematic workshops, attendees will identify what exactly distinguishes physics culture in Germany. Challenges and requirements in future high-quality science shall be discussed. Special emphasis shall be placed on innovative solutions to remedy the underrepresentation of women in physics and change the culture towards mixed research teams.

The organizers are looking forward to a strong participation from all areas of physics, especially colleagues from the management level. 

The language of the event will be English. Registration is obligatory, participation is free of charge. Detailed information is provided at the DESY website.


November 2016

17 - 18 November 2016

V Postgraduate Meeting on Theoretical Physics

Where:Oviedo University (Spain)
What:Following the spirit of the previous editions, the aim of the meeting is to allow Ph.D. students and young postdocs to present their research in an informal environment. As usual, speakers will be selected from the participants who apply to give a talk. We expect talks to cover a wide range of topics in theoretical physics. 
We will also have a poster session. 
Speaker 1:J. de Boer, University of Amsterdam
Speaker 2:Carlos Hoyos, University of Oviedo

There is no registration fee. Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide financial support for travel or accommodation expenses.

Registration is already open and will close by October 15th.

03 - 06 November 2016

Deutsche Physikerinnen Tagung

Was:Die Physikerinnentagung ist eine physikalische Fachtagung, die von der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.V. (DPG) und deren Arbeitskreis Chancengleichheit (AKC) organisiert wird. Ziel ist neben dem fachlichen Austausch die Vernetzung von Physikerinnen aller Qualifikationen - von der Bachelor-Studentin bis zur Professorin und Industriephysikerin. Außerdem werden zahlreiche Anknüpfungspunkte in Industrie und Wirtschaft aufgezeigt und Kontakte zu lokalen und internationalen Unternehmen ermöglicht.

Weitere Informationen sind auf der Tagungshomepage zu finden.

Die Anmeldung ist ab dem 22.07.2016 geöffnet. Bis zum 23.09.2016 können Beiträge (Vorträge, Poster) angemeldet werden. Dabei sind im Rahmen einer Quote auch Beiträge von Männern erwünscht. 

October 2016

10-13 October 2016

PIER Graduate Week 2016  

Where:Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Hamburg 
What:PIER Graduate Week 2016 is an interdisciplinary lecture and workshop week for PhD students. The PIER Graduate Week offers a wide range of introductory and focus courses in the PIER reserach fields of Particle & Astroparticle Physics, Nanoscience, Photon Science, Infection & Structural Biology. It aims at PhD students, MSc students, postdoctoral researchers and other interested scientists.

Registration is already open and will close by 01st September 2016! 

Programme and further information 

September 2016

26 – 30 September 2016


Where:Guadalajara, Mexico
What:The International Astronautical Federation (IAF) is pleased to announce its *2016 Emerging Space Leaders Grant Programme* that provides opportunities for students and young professionals to participate in the annual International Astronautical Congress.

The young people selected to take part in the 2016 Emerging Space Leaders Grant Programme will participate in the 67^th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) scheduled to take place in Guadalajara, Mexico from 26 – 30 September 2016. The individuals selected will also participate in other activities held the week prior to and during the Congress such as the UN/IAF Workshop, the Space Generation Congress (SGC) or the Young Professionals Workshop and the Cross-Cultural Communications and Presentation Workshop.

Students and Young Professionals between the ages of *21 and 35 on 1 January 2016* with space-related career interests are encouraged to apply for the programme. Up to fourteen students and young professionals will be selected by the IAF to participate in the 2016 programme. 

*Application Deadline: 6 February 2016 15:00 Paris Time / UTC + 1:00 * *For detailed information, application process and requirements please download our "2016 IAF Emerging Space Leaders Grant Programme Handbook

19 - 22 September 2016

NEB-17 Recent Developments in Gravity

Where:St. John resort, Mykonos, Greece
Speakers: among others A. Ashtekar, R. Loll, R. Wald

More information

12. - 16. September 2016

IAU Symposium 324: New Frontiers in Black Hole Astrophysics

At Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia



A key unsolved issue in modern astrophysics is how black holes accrete matter and subsequently launch focused jets of material to speeds close to that of light, releasing copious energy in the process. This occurs over many orders of magnitude in mass, size and timescale in a wide range of astrophysical objects but the mechanisms converting gravitational potential energy into radiated energy remain poorly understood. These systems also provide unique laboratories for the study of physics in extreme conditions such as strong gravity, large magnetic fields, ultra-relativistic particle acceleration and, as such, may also provide valuable probes of space-time and tests of fundamental physics.

The goal of this symposium is to bring together observational and theoretical experts in the astrophysics of black-hole driven systems to discuss the current state-of-the-art in accretion, jet formation and acceleration and emission mechanisms - and more generally source physics, with theoretical physicists who aim to use astrophysical objects to test current theories of gravity and ultimately unified theories of quantum gravity.

This symposium is timely both scientifically and in terms of upcoming technology whose advances across the electromagnetic spectrum and beyond to multimessenger signature such as gravitational waves and neutrinos are coming of age. By 2016, the new generation of gravitational wave detectors will be operational, improved sensitivity in neutrino detectors will be available, the multiwavelength community will have an impressive suite of ground- and space-based facilities covering a wide range of energy bands and timescales, and the theoretical astrophysics communities will be providing new testable predictions from advances in hydrodynamic, magnetohydrodynamic and plasma cell-based simulations.

Leading up to major new facilities such as the Cherenkov Telescope Array, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and the Square Kilometre Array coming on line from 2018 onwards, this symposium will provide a stimulating environment for a new generation of astrophysicists to connect with, learn from and present their work to a unique and diverse combination of world-leading astrophysicists and physicists with a common interest in black holes and their applications.

More broadly, black holes hold much appeal for the lay audience; building on the University of Ljubljana's expertise and Prof. Gomboc's leadership in public outreach in Slovenia since the International Year of Astronomy 2009 and in organising the National Astronomical Competition for Schools, the organisers will maximise the exposure of the symposium science to the general public directly and through the popular press, as well as to the Slovenian parliament, and through the Teachers Workshop.




1. Similarity and diversity of black hole systems

2. Gamma Ray Bursts; their physics and use as probes of elementary particle physics

3. Tidal Disruption Events; prediction, discovery and implication

4. Active Galactic Nuclei; high-mass black hole systems as laboratories for extreme physics 

5. Tests of fundamental theories of physics using black hole systems across the mass spectrum

6. Technology drivers and future capabilities



For more information please visit the Symposium's website.

August 2016

28 August - 10 September 2016

Helmholtz International Summer School - Cosmology, strings, and new physics 

Where:Dubna, Russia
What:The Helmholtz International School "Cosmology, strings, and new physics" organized by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, in the framework of the program DIAS-TH will be held on 28 August - 10 September, 2016 in Dubna, Russia. 

  • Advances in supersymmetric gauge theories 
  • Higher Spin Theories
  • Gravity, (super)symmetries, integrability
  • Cosmology and high energy physics
  • Inflationary cosmology and alternatives
  • Dark energy and modified gravity
The arrival day is August 28, 2016. The departure day is September 10, 2016.

The expected number of participants is 60. Undergraduate, postgraduate students and young postdocs are invited to apply for participation. 

The lectures will be supplemented by evening discussion sessions. Short reports of the students will be encouraged as well.  

 more information 

25 - 27 August 2016

Quantum Aspects of Black Holes and its Recent Progress

In this workshop various aspects of physics of black holes will be discussed, including:

  • Classical Aspects of black holes and their conserved charges
  • Semi-classical aspects of black holes and black hole thermodynamics
  • Information paradox and unitarity, Black holes and AdS/CFT
  • Higher derivative gravity theories

It is organized within Regional Training Network in Theoretical Physics, sponsored by VolkswagenStiftung, with partial support of ICTP. 

This workshop follows Fourth School on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory of the Regional Training Network on Theoretical Physics, 20-23 August, Yerevan, Armenia

Invited speakers include:

  • Mirjam Cvetic
  • Carlos Herdeiro
  • Jutta Kunz
  • Bum-Hoon Lee
  • Ruben Minasian
  • Edgar Shaghoulian
  • Kostas Skenderis
  • Sergey Solodukhin

 For more information please visit the workshop's website 

21 - 28 August 2016

The 1ist COST QSPACE training school on the Quantum Structure of Spacetime and Gravity

Where: Belgrade

more information

July 2016

8 - 13 July 2016

Foundations of quantum theory, International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi"

Where:Varenna, Comer See, Italy

Deadline for application: 5th of May 2016

Participation fee: 300 Euro (VAT included) for attendance, board, lodging and Proceedings

Please click here for further information

4 - 7 July 2016

Noncommutative geometry, quantum symmetries and quantum gravity II 

XXXVII Max Born Symposium hosting 2016 WG3 Meeting of COST Action MP 1405 

Where:Wrcolaw, Poland
Speakers: among others G. Amelino-Camelia, J. Lewandowski

More information 

June 2016

16 June 2016 

Talk by a world-leading expert in relativistic geodesy

Where:Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Erdmessung, Room 404
When:10:00 hrs
Speaker:Prof. Sergei Kopeikin, University of Missouri
Title:"Cosmological effects in the localized astronomical systems: myth or reality?"

May 2016

26 May 2016

Prof. Stephen Hawking spricht an der Leibniz Universität

Where:Leibniz Universität Hannover, Lichthof, Welfengarten 1
Live-Übertragung in die Hörsäle Audimax, Großer Physikhörsaal und E001 
When: 18:00 hrs
Tickets:Kostenlos. Kartenausgabe am Donnerstag, 19., sowieso Freitag, 20. Mai 2016, jeweils von 14 bis 19 Uhr an der Leibniz Universität Hannover, Lichthof. 

Da Stephen Hawkings Gesundheitszustand eine kurzfristige Absage von Veranstaltungen erforderlich machen kann, wird der Stand tagesaktuell unter www.uni-hannover.de veröffentlicht.  

More information

23 - 26 May 2016

The first observation of a binary black hole merger: Status and future prospects

Where:Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover, Germany
What:The presentations at the meeting will cover all aspects of the detection and the science associated with the gravitational wave event. The meeting is targeted towards a general physics audience. It should be particularly valuable to graduate students and non-experts who might be interested in a broad introduction to the subject.

More information and registration 

9 - 13 May 2016 

Ultracold Quantum Gases - Current Trends and Future Perspectives

Where:Bad Honnef, Germany
What:Since the first experimental realization of Bose-Einstein condensation in ultracold atomic gases in 1995, there have several substantial breakthroughs. Today, systems of bosonic or fermionic quantum gases allow for a very high level of experimental control concerning all ingredients of the underlying many-body Hamiltonian. The underlying trapping geometry can be designed to be harmonic, anharmonic or, recently, even box-like which mimics a quasi-uniform potential. Furthermore, the shape of the two-particle interaction can be modified from the short-ranged and isotropic contact interaction to the long-ranged and anisotropic dipolar interaction. In particular the possibility to tune the strength of the contact interaction to basically any attractive or repulsive value with the aid of the Feshbach resonance allows nowadays to probe quantum fluids in regimes and under conditions hitherto unavailable. Since 2011 it has even been experimentally achieved to also tune the kinetic energy of the many-body Hamiltonian by producing synthetic spin-orbit coupling. This nourishes the prospect to generate for neutral atoms abelian gauge fields, as they appear in electromagnism for charged particles, but also non-abelian gauge fields, as they occur in the standard model of elementary particle physics. Therefore, quantum gases are considered to be ideal quantum simulators, i.e. they are best capable to simulate difficult quantum problems in condensed matter physics and other fields of physics in the sense of Richard Feynman from 1982. 

more information

March 2016

23 - 24 March 2016

Sixth Quantum Universe Symposium  

Where:University of Groningen, Netherlands
We cordially invite you for the sixth edition of our annual Quantum Universe symposium, which will take place in the Smitsborg at the Zernike campus in Groningen on Thursday, March 24. This symposium will highlight recent developments at the intersection of astronomy, (astro-)particle physics, cosmology, mathematics and subatomic physics. In particular, the special topic of this year will be the recent developments and extensions of Einstein's theory of general relativity, which was discovered 100 years ago. The keynote speakers of this year's edition include Heino Falcke, Subir Sarkar and Erik Verlinde, in addition to a number of national and local speakers. More information plus registration can be found on the website. On the day before the symposium, Vincent Icke, Aart Heijboer and Subir Sarkar will provide masterclasses specifically aimed at advanced BSc, MSc and PhD students.
You have to register separately for these classes, and there is a limited number of places available. 

Please register if you are planning to come; we look forward to having you over in Groningen! 

14 - 18 March 2016 


Where:Darmstadt, Germany
What:- Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
- Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik

More information 

6 - 11 March 2016

80. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrestagung 

Where:Regensburg, Germany
What:- Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM)
- Mikrosonden
- Umweltphysik
- Arbeitskreis Chancengleichheit
- Arbeitskreis Energie
- Arbeitskreis Industrie und Wirtschaft
- Arbeitsgruppe Information
- Arbeitsgruppe jDPG
- Arbeitsgruppe Physik und Abrüstung

More information 

February 2016

29 February - 4 March 2016


Where:Hamburg, Germany
Topics:- Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK)
- Gravitation und Relativitätstheorie
- Strahlen- und Medizinphysik
- Teilchenphysik
- Theoretische und Mathematische Grundlagen der Physik
- Arbeitsgruppe Philosophie der Physik

More information 

29 February - 4 March 2016


Where:Hannover, Germany
Topics:- Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (SAMOP)
- Atomphysik
- Kurzzeitphysik
- Massenspektrometrie
- Molekülphysik
- Plasmaphysik
- Quantenoptik und Photonik
- Didaktik der Physik
- Arbeitsgruppe jDPG 

More information

6 - 12 February 2016

Quantum Spacetime '16 Winter Workshop

More information 

9 February 2016

Olbers Sitzung der Wittheit 

Wo:Haus der Wissenschaft, Sandstraße 4/5, Olbers-Saal (1. OG), Bremen 
Wann:19:00 Uhr
Sprecher/in:Prof. Dr. Dieter B. Herrmann 
Titel:"Das Urknall-Experiment - auf der Suche nach dem Anfang der Welt"
Abstract:Im Herbst 2009 ist in Genf die "Größte Maschine aller Zeiten" in Betrieb genommen worden: Der Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Nach einer längeren Pause wurde er 2015 wieder hochgefahren - auf seine maximale Leistung. Subatomare Teilchen prallen dort mit nahezu Lichtgeschwindigkeit aufeinander. Die Forscher hoffen, damit dem "Geheimnis des Urknalls" und somit der Entstehung des Universums auf die Spur zu kommen. Wie ist das möglich?

Der Vortrag berichtet, unterstützt von faszinierenden Bildern, über die gegenwärtigen Vorstellungen von der Lebensgeschichte des Weltalls und über das Standardmodell der Mikrowelt. Auf diese Weise wird für den Hörer verständlich, welcher Art die Experimente am LHC sind und wie sie unsere Vorstellungen über unsere Welt und damit über uns selbst verändern, erweitern und bereichern können. 

January 2016

18 January 2016

Physikalisches Kolloquium

Wo:Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Physikalisches Institut, Experimentalphysik II
Wann: 16:15 Uhr
Sprecher/in:Prof. em. Rudolf P. Hübener
Titel: "Die Geburt der Quantenphysik - Boltzmann, Planck, Einstein, Nernst und andere"
Abstract:Wegen des rapiden Anstiegs der künstlichen Beleuchtung am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts bestand damals ein großer Bedarf an quantitativen optischen Daten und einem anerkannten Lichtmaß. Deshalb wurde im optischen Laboratorium der Physikalisch-Technischen Reichsanstalt in Berlin die spektrale Verteilung der Lichtintensität über einen großen Frequenzbereich genau gemessen. Diese neuen Daten konnte mit den vorliegenden Modellen nicht erklärt werden. Zwischen Oktober und Dezember 1900 gelang Max Planck die Ableitung seines berühmten Strahlungsgesetzes auf der Grundlage von Boltzmann's Wahrscheinlichkeits-Interpretation der Entropie. Als zentralen neuen Ansatz führte Planck die Quantisierung der Strahlungsenergie durch die diskreten Energie Elemente hv ein, mit der universellen Konstanten h. Während Planck die volle Bedeutung der neuen Quanten Physik fast 10 Jahre lang nicht akzeptierte, waren es Albert Einstein, der 1905 mit seinen Lichtquanten und 1906 mit seiner Quantisierung der Gitterschwingungen in Kristallen, und wenige Jahre später Walther Nernst mit seinen Messungen der spezifischen Wärme, die die neuen Ideen der Quanten Physik stark vorantrieben. 

12 January 2016

Vortragsreihe Hochschule Bremen  

Wo:HS-Bremen Werderstraße
Sprecher/in:Prof. Dr. Jürgen Blum 
Titel:"Was können uns Kometen über ihre Entstehung verraten?"
Abstract:Die Erscheinung eines Kometen am Himmel ist viel auffälliger als der relativ kleine und dunkle feste Körper, der sie bei seiner Annährung an die Sonne hervorruft. Dennoch zählen Kometenkerne zu den interessantesten und wissenschaftlich wichtigsten Körpern des Sonnensystems, um dessen Entstehung zu beschreiben. Die Bilder der Raumsonde Rosetta haben uns in den letzten Monaten vielfältige Eindrücke vom nur wenige Kilometer großen Kometen Tschurjumow-Gerasimenko gegeben. Was können wir aber durch das Studium von Kometen über deren Entstehung und die Bedingung im jungen Sonnensystem lernen? Der Vortrag wird sich dieser Frage widmen und Einblicke in die aktuelle Forschung der Planetenentstehung  erlauben. Dabei kommt den Kometen eine Sonderrolle zu, denn sie zählen zu den am wenigsten veränderten Körpern des Sonnensystems, weil sie den Großteil der Zeit  seit ihrer Entstehung vor gut viereinhalb Milliarden Jahren in großer Entfernung zur Sonne verbracht haben und somit weder durch hohe Temperaturen noch durch Kollisionen prozessiert worden sind. Die Tatsache, dass sie beim Flug durch das innere Sonnensystem große Mengen an Staub auswerfen und somit für uns zu einem manchmal brillianten Schauspiel am Himmel werden, erlaubt es uns, mehrere sonst möglich Entstehungsszarien auf nur noch eines zu reduzieren: Die für uns sichtbaren Kometen müssen durch den gravitativen Kollaps einer Staubwolke aus millimeter- bis zentimetergroßen Staubteilchen entstanden sein.   

7 January 2016

Lecture University of Oldenburg

Where:University of Oldenburg
Speaker:Dr. Ralf Lehnert 
Title:"Does Relativity Theory Hold Exactly?" 
Abstract:Relativity Theory is a cornerstone of physics. Since its conception over a centruy ago, it has been scrutinized experimentally with ever increasing precision, but no credible evidence for departures from its underlying symmetry . Lorentz invariance - has been found to date. However, recent theoretical research has established that minute violations of Lorentz symmetry can be accommodated in various approaches to physics beyond the Standard Model. This seminar provides a brief overview of our group's efforts in this research field. A variety of mechanisms for Lorentz breakdown are reviewed, the effective-field-theory test framework for the emerging low-energy effects is introduced, and a number of present-day and near-future experimental measurements in this context are surveyed. 


December 2015

16 December 2015

Cold Atom Interferometer gravity gradiometers for space Franck Pereira dos Santos from LNE-SYRTE

Where:IQO Seminar Room D326, Hannover 
When:16:15-17:45 hrs
Speaker:Prof. Franck Pereira dos Santos, LNE-SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, France
Abstract:In his lecture he will introduce the field of precision measurements using atom interferometers and present state-of-the-art experiments featuring atomic sensors with applications in gravimetry and geodesy. He will also present recent efforts deployed in the field of satellite geodesy with atomic interferometric antennas. 

Abstract: Thanks to their accuracy and long term stability, inertial sensors based on atom interferometry offer interesting perspectives in space, for applications in fundamental physics and geodesy. In particular, such atomic sensors are appealing candidates for ultrasensitive measurements of acceleration in future space missions. In my talk, I will present the advantages of these sensors with respect to conventional accelerometers, and show that they can compare favourably in terms of performance with their classical counterparts. I will in particular present an ongoing ESA study of embarking cold atom gradiometers in a dedicated satellite, with expected senstivities in the mE/Hz^(1/2) range. I will discuss some of the technical challenges one has to cope with in order to improve our knowledge of the Earth gravity field using this technology.

No registration is required for this lecture. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
More information

8 December 2015

Astronomievortrag: Die Herkunft des Lebens

Wo:HS-Bremen Werderstraße; Hörsaal B120
Sprecher/in:Prof. Dr. Wolfram Thiemann (Universität Bremen*)
Titel:"Herkunft des Lebens - hat das ehrgeizige Projekt ROSETTA mit der Erforschung der Oberfläche des Kometen 67P/Churyomov-Gerasimenko uns in der Beantwortung dieser Frage weitergebracht?" 
Abstract:Wie entstand das Leben auf unserem Planeten Erde? Welche Bausteine des Lebens sind nötig, um Lebensformen, wie wir sie bisher nur von der Erde kennen, hervorzubringen? Prof. Thiemann geht der Frage nach, ob diese Lebensbausteine durch frühe Einschläge von Kometen zu uns gebracht worden sein könnten. Die Schlüsselrolle spielt hier die Rosetta-Mission - und die spektakuläre Landung von PHILAE auf dem Kometen 67P/Churyomov-Gerasimenko (auch genannt "Chury"), die vor gut einem Jahr für große Begeisterung und Aufregung sorgte. Ein Experiment, das auf dem Kometen diese Ur-Bausteine des Lebens nachweisen sollte, ging anders aus, als es urpsrünglich geplant war. Welche Erkenntnisse konnten wir gewinnen, und sind wir - wie der Untertitel dieses Vortrages besagt - der Frage nach dem Ursprung des Lebens auf der Erde indessen näher gekommen? Diesen und weiteren überaus faszinierenden Fragen nach dem Ursprung des Lebens - nach wie vor eines der größten Rätsel im Universum - geht Prof. Thiemann in diesem Vortrag nach. 

Wir freuen uns auf eine spannende Präsentation, und darauf, ihm noch einige Fragen stellen zu können. 

Eintritt: 4,-- EUR (ermäßigt 3,-- EUR), Mitglieder der Olbers-Gesellschaft frei.


November 2015

30 November - 2 December 2015

A Century of General Relativity

Where:Harnack House, Berlin, Germany
The conference is thus scheduled to take place almost exactly 100 years after the
submission of Einstein's paper, and in a location where Einstein regularly
lectured between 1915 and 1931, not too far from where
the breakthrough actually happened. The scientific program is meant
to cover all aspects of modern General Relativity and its future outlook.
Program and information

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