26 January 2021
Current trends in gravitation Seminar
Location: University Oldenburg - Online
When: 26.1.2021, 14:15 h
Speaker: Suparna Roychowdhury (St. Xavier's College Kolkata, India)
Title: Beyond Newtonian Dynamics of a planar Circular-Restricted Three-Body Problem with Kerr-like primaries
Abstract: In this talk, we shall discuss the dynamics of the classic planar circular restricted three-body problem (CRTBP) with spinning primaries in the context of a beyond-Newtonian approximation [1]. We shall begin by discussing the construction of the beyond-Newtonian potential in the so-called Fodor–Hoenselaers–Perjés procedure where we keep first order non-Newtonian contributions in both the mass and spin. Using this potential, we shall then discuss our model for a test particle of infinitesimal mass orbiting in the equatorial plane of the two primaries. The talk shall then discuss the dynamics as the system transitions from the Newtonian to the beyond-Newtonian regime.We shall then study the evolution and stability of the fixed points of the system as a function of the parameter with the dynamics of the particle analyzed using the Poincaré map of section and the Maximal Lyapunov Exponent as indicators of chaos. We shall establish that the intermediate values of epsilon seem to be the most chaotic for the two cases of primary mass ratios (= 0.001,0.5) examined.We also conclude that the amount of chaos in the system remains higher than the Newtonian system as well as for the planar circular restricted three-body problem with Schwarzschild-like primaries for all non-zero values of epsilon.
[1] Shounak De, Suparna Roychowdhury, Roopkatha Banerjee: Beyond-Newtonian dynamics of aplanar circular restricted three-body problem with Kerr-like primaries, Monthly Notices of theRoyal Astronomical Society,501, 713 (2021)
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