25. July 2019
Location: ZARM, University of Bremen, Room 1280
When: 25.07.2019, 14:00 h
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Alfredo Macias (Departamento de Física, UAM-I, Ciudad de Mexico)
Title: Geodesic structure of the Euler-Heisenberg Static Black Hole
Abstract:We derive the electrically charged static black hole spacetime of the Einstein–Euler–Heisenberg theory, in terms of the Plebanski dual variables, and study the shape of its shadow and all possible equatorial trajectories of test particles. This solution is a non–linear electromagnetic generalization of the Reissner–Nordstroem solution and it is characterized by three parameters: mass M, electric charge Qe and Euler–Heisenberg non–linearity parameter A. Moreover, we study the trajectories of photons by means of introducing the effective Plebanski metric related to the geometrical metric and to the electromagnetic energy–momentum tensor. The shape of the shadow of the black hole is also presented and discussed.
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