22 March 2021
Space Science at Droptower SEMINAR TALK
Location: ZARM Bremen - Online seminar
When: 22.3.2021, 17:00 CET - Online
Speaker: Viacheslav Emelyanov (KIT)
Title: On quantum corrections to geodesics in de-Sitter spacetime
Abstract: In classical theory, elementary particles propagate over geodesics. However, the nature is quantum, meaning that one needs to understand how the quantum aspects of elementary particles can influence their kinematic properties. This problem appears to be conceptually non-trivial in curved spacetime, as, for instance, there does not exist a universal principle that could be used to define the very notion of an elementary particle. In this talk, we shall present our recent results related to this issue in de-Sitter spacetime, which are based on an experimental observation of the quantum interference induced by gravity - the so-called COW experiment, - and on an extrapolation of collider physics, which is based on the Minkowski-spacetime approximation, on curved spacetime.
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