17. April 2019
RTG Colloquium
University of Oldenburg
Where: University of Oldenburg, Campus Wechloy
When: 17.04.2019
Confirmed speakers:
- Fech Scen Khoo (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia) - The double field theory algebroid from the relaxation of Courant algebroid axioms - Abstract
- Anupam Mazumdar (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) - Nonlocal Star as a Blackhole Mimicker - Abstract
- Eugen Radu (University of Aveiro, Portugal) - No hair conjecture: a review of recent results - Abstract
- Dennis Stock (ZARM, University of Bremen) - The Averaging Problem in Inhomogeneous Cosmology - Abstract
- Roberto Tanzi (ZARM, University of Bremen) - BMS supertranslations and memory in four and higher dimensions - Abstract
The preliminary program can be found here.
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