11 December 2020
Student's Seminar
Where: Online
When: 11 December 2020, 9:00 - 10:00 CET
Students' Seminar
Speaker: Kai Flathmann
Title: Post-Newtonian limit of generalized symmetric teleparallel theories of gravity
Abstract: In this talk we derive the Post-Newtonian limit of a general class of symmetric teleparallel theories of gravity, where the action is a free function of the five independent quadratic contractions of the Nonmetricity tensor. By making use of the Parametrized Post-Newtonian formalism (PPN), we can restrict the taylor coefficients of the free function. Here a crucial point is the approximation of the dynamical connection. To calculate the full Post-Newtonian metric of this theory, we have to define one additional generalized potential. Therefore it is not possible to present all 10 PPN parameters without restricting the theory any further. Nevertheless we can present these parameters for a subclass of theories, where General Relativity is included.
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