Obligatory Courses
Einführung in die ART / Introduction to General Relativity
Prof. Dr. Domenico Giulini
Leibniz University of Hannover
(4 + 2 SWS)
Thu: 8-10
Fri: 10-12
Introduction to General Relativity
Dr. Eva Hackmann
University of Bielefeld
Mon: 14-16
Tue: 8-10
Thu: 8-10
Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen / Non-linear partial differential equations
Prof. Dr. Hannes Uecker
CvO University of Oldenburg
6 CP
Lecture: (5.01.566)
Mon: 14-16, weekly, W01 0-012
Wed: 10-12, fortnightly from 4.4.18, W01 0-015
Exercise: (5.01.567)
Wed: 10-12, fortnightly from 11.2.18, W01 0-015
Specialized Courses
Astrophysical Magnetic Fields: Origin & Measurement
Aritra Basu
University of Bielefeld
Wed: 14-16
Galactic Astronomy
JProf. Dr. Joris Verbiest
University of Bielefeld
(10 LP)
Tue: 10-12
Thu: 10-12
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Borghini
University of Bielefeld
Tue: 12-14
Wed: 10-12
Exercise options:
Mon: 12-14
Wed: 8-10
Introduction to String Theory and Superstring Theory
Prof. Dr. Daya Shankar Kulshreshtha
CvO University of Oldenburg
Lecture: (5.04.4703)
Fri: 14-16, W02 3-349
Kosmologie / Cosmology
PD Dr. Volker Perlick
University of Bremen
(4 SWS, 6 CP)
Lecture: (01-03-APhy6-V)
Mon: 16-18, NW1 N3130
Fri: 12-14, NW1 H 2 - W0020
Mathematische Methoden der ART / Mathematical methods of General Relativity
Prof. Dr. Domenico Giulini
Leibniz University of Hannover
(2 SWS)
Paradoxa in der Relativitätstheorie / Paradoxa in relativity theory
Dr. Eva Hackmann
University of Bielefeld
Thu: 12-14
Physik des Sonnensystems / Physics of the Solar system
Dr. Marco Scharringhausen
University of Bremen
(6 SWS, 9 CP)
Lecture: (01-03-APhy5-V)
Mon: 8-10, NW1 N3130
Wed: 12-14, NW1 N3310
Fri: 8-10, NW1 N3310
Relativistische Hydrodynamik / Relativistic hydrodynamics
Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl
CvO University of Oldenburg
(4 SWS, 6 CP)
Lecture: (5.04.890)
Mon: 14-16, W02 3-349
Thu: 12-14, W02 3-349
Relativistische Hydrodynamik in der Astrophysik / Relativistic hydrodynamics in astrophysics
PD Dr. Rodion Groll, Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl, PD Dr. Volker Perlick
University of Bremen
(4 SWS, 6 CP)
Lecture: (01-03-APhy7-V)
Tue: 12-14, NW1 S1260
Fri: 14-16, NW1 H 2 - W0020
Proseminar: Spezielle Themen der klassischen theoretischen Physik / Proseminar: special topics of classical theoretical physics
Prof. Dr. Domenico Giulini
Leibniz University of Hannover
(2 SWS)
Wed: 12-14
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