Past Events

December 2014

November 2014

October 2014

September 2014

30 September - 2 October 2014

Recent theoretical developments in gravity and cosmology - RTG Autumn Workshop

Where: University of Hannover, ITP, Room 267

Key lectures: 
Prof. Martin Ammon (Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena): tbd
Prof. Edmund Copeland (School of Physics & Astronomy, The University of Nottingham): tbd
Prof. Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder (Nordita, Stockholm): "Space Time Defects"
Prof. Michele Maggiore (Department de Physique Theorique, Universite de Geneve): "Nonlocal gravity and dark energy"
Prof. Dr. Diederik Roest (Theoretical High-Energy Physics, University of Groningen): "The power of inflationary attractors"
Prof. Dr. Francisco Correa (CECS Validivia, Chile): "Exact hairy black hole solutions in different models of gravity"


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August 2014

24 - 29 August 2014, University of Mons

"Mons Meeting 2014 on Multidisciplinary aspects of Compact Objects Physics"

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11 - 14 August 2014, University of Hannover, Riemann Center for Geometry and Physics

"Riemann Workshop "Gauge Theories in Higher Dimensions"

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July 2014

23 July 2014, ZARM, University of Bremen

Workshop Astronomie am Fallturm

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June 2014

10 - 14 June 2014, LU Hannover, Riemann Center for Geometry and Physics

Riemann Master School on Zeta Functions

more information

May 2014

27 - 28 May 2014, ZARM, University of Bremen

Workshop on Ultracold Quantum Gases


7 - 9 May 2014; University of Bielefeld

Joined Events: 

RTG spring workshop/ 9. Cosmology Day

Internationales Begegnungszentrum IBZ

more information 

April 2014

March 2014

31 March - 4 April 2014, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

558. WE-Heraeus-Seminar 
The Strong Gravity Regime of Black Holes and Neutron Stars

Scientific organizers: Dr. Eva Hackmann, ZARM U Bremen • Dr. N. Wex, MPIfR Bonn • Prof. H Falcke, U Nijmegen/NL 

more Information

17 - 21 March 2014, Humboldt University of Berlin

78. DPG-Jahrestagung und Frühjahrstagung der Sektion AMOP

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February 2014

Februar 12-13, University of Bielefeld

German SKA Science Meeting

information and registration

February 11 - 12 2014; HWK, Delmenhorst, Lehmkuhlenbusch 4

Black Holes in their Environment

Workshop chaired by Prof. Claus Lämmerzahl and Wolfgang Stenzel

more information

January 2014

January 29 2014; ZARM University of Bremen

Workshop Astronomie am Fallturm

ZARM - Raum 1730; Am Fallturm, 28359 Bremen

"Astronomie am Fallturm" aims to give an insight into space science and space technologies for Bachelor- and Master's students and is open to the public. To strenghen comprehensibility, the talks are chaired and the audience has the possibility to discuss the topic without professors before asking questions about the talk. Workshop language is German.

14:00-14:30 Vorbesprechung der Vorträge mit
Dr. Farid Gamgami (OHB System AG, Bremen) 
und Dr. Marco Scharringhausen (DLR Bremen)

Begrüßung und Anmoderation des ersten Vortrags
Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl (ZARM, University Bremen)

14:30-15:30 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmitt
(Hamburg Observatory, University Hamburg):
"Warum und zu welchem Ende studieren wir die Aktivität von Sonne und Sternen?"
Abstract: Eine weitgefächerte Phänomenologie beschreibt die Aktivitätseigenschaften der Sonne, die sich über das gesamte elektromagnetische Spektrum vom Radiobereich bis hin in den Gamma-Bereich nachweisen lassen.  Alle Aktivitätsindikatoren variieren im  11-Jahresrhythmus des Sonnenfleckenzyklus und legen einen letztendlich magnetischen Ursprung nahe. Als Ursache der magnetischen Aktivität der Sonne wird ein magnetischer  Dynamo angenommen, der tief im Sonneninnern neues Magnetfeld erzeugt, das durch magnetischen Auftrieb an die Oberfläche gelangt und dort beobachtbar wird.  Es stellt sich die offensichtliche Frage, inwieweit ähnliche Prozesse auf anderen Sternen stattfinden, inwieweit die Sonne ein typisches Verhalten aufweist, und welche Stellarparameter die Stärke der beobachteten Stellaraktivität kontrollieren.
Im Vortrag werden die verschiedenen zum Studium stellarer Aktivität verwendeten Methoden diskutiert und die zentralen Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse der letzten Dekaden u.a. im Hinblick auf extrasolare Planeten vorgestellt.

15:30-15:50 Diskussion unter den Studierenden
15:50-16:20 Fragerunde
16:20-16:30 Pause

Anmoderation des zweiten Vortrags
Dr. Farid Gamgami (OHB Systems AG, Bremen) 

16:30-17:30 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang J. Duschl
(Universität Kiel):
"Wie die Schwarzen Löcher ins Universum kamen"
17:30-17:50 Diskussion unter den Studierenden
17:50-18:20 Fragerunde

Information und Anmeldung

December 2013

November 2013

October 2013

31 October  - 03 November 2013, University of Heidelberg

17. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung (DPT)

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7 - 9 October 2013 Jacobs University Bremen, Conference Hall, Conference Center (IRC)

Models of Gravity Workshop Autumn 2013: Astrophysics and Cosmology

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September 2013

8 - 15 September 2013 Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece

Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity

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August 2013

July 2013

7 - 13 July 2013, University of Warsaw, Poland

The 20th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR20) and the 10th Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves (Amaldi10)

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7 - 12 July 2013, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Advanced DPG Physics School on Inflation and CMB

supported by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation

More information 

June 2013

26 June 2013, Room 1730, ZARM, University of Bremen

Workshop "Astronomie am Fallturm"


14:00-14:30 Vorbesprechung der Vorträge mit Dr. Farid Gamgami (OHB System AG, Bremen) und Dr. Marco Scharringhausen (DLR Bremen)

Begrüßung und Anmoderation des ersten Vortrags durch Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl (ZARM, University Bremen)

14:30-15:30 Prof. Dr. Ulrich Geppert (DLR Bremen): "Pulsare und Magnetare: Elektromagnetische Interaktionen innerhalb und außerhalb von Neutronensternen"
Abstract: Neutronensterne sind ganz besondere Sterne im Weltall: Sie besitzen unter allen Sternen die größte Diche, die höchsten Temperaturen. die kürzesten Umdrehungszeiten und die stärksten Magnetfelder. In meinem Vortrag werde ich einen allgemeinverständlichen Überblick über die Physik der Neutronensterne geben. Ganz szpeziell werde ich dabei auf die höchst faszinierenden Magnetare eingehen, die nochmal ganz besondere Neutronensterne sind.

15:30-15:50 Diskussion unter den Studierenden
15:50-16:20 Fragerunde
16:20-16:30 Pause

Anmoderation des zweiten Vortrags durch Dr. Farid Gamgami (OHB Systems AG, Bremen)

16:30-17:30 Dr. Elke Roediger (Hamburg Observatory, University Hamburg): "Dynamische Galaxienhaufen"
Abstract: Auf großen Skalen, jenseits von mehreren Millionen Lichtjahren, ist das Universum vom "kosmischen Netz" durchzogen. Gravitation lässt Materie entlang von Filamenten kollabieren. An den Knotenpunkten des Netzes befinden sich Galaxienhaufen, Ansammlungen von hunderten oder mehr Galaxien. Den weit größeren Anteil baryonischer (normaler) Materie steuert jedoch das dünne, heisse Haufengas bei, welches den Raum zwischen den Galaxien füllt. Haufengas und Galaxien werden vom Halo dunkler Materie zusammengehalten. Galaxienhaufen sind noch in der "Wachstumsphase". Galaxien und Galaxiengruppen fallen in bestehende Haufen ein; Kollisionen zwischen Galaxienhaufen gehören zu den energiereichsten Ereignissen im Universum. Jets von super-massereichen schwarze Löchern im Zentrum von Galaxienhaufen heizen das Haufengas. Der Vortrag wird ein Überblick über Beobachtungen und theoretische Untersuchungen der dynamischen Vorgänge in Galaxienhaufen geben.

17:30-17:50 Diskussion unter den Studierenden
17:50-18:20 Fragerunde

17 - 20 June 2013, ZARM, University of Bremen

3rd GIF workshop on “Exploration of Electrodynamics”
Funded by the German-Israeli Foundation (GIF)


Monday, 17 June (Room 1280)
09:00 F.W. Hehl (Cologne): "Maxwell, Heaviside, Hertz: some historical remarks on the emergence of the Maxwell equations"
10:00 A. Favaro (Cologne): "Electromagnetic media with no Fresnel (dispersion) equation and novel jump (boundary) conditions"
11:30 J. Gratus (Lancaster): "Conservation laws and stress-energy-momentum tensors for systems with background fields"
14:00 D. Giulini (ZARM): "Poincar´e stresses and classical electron models"
15:00 E. Radu (Oldenburg): "Higher dimensional black objects with nonstandard horizon topology: including the gauge fields"
16:30 F. Gronwald (Hamburg): "Engineering electromagnetics: Solving the Maxwell equations in the presence of complex engineering systems"
17:30 Guided tour of the drop tower

Tuesday, 18 June (Room 1280)
09:00 P. Schupp (Jacobs): TBA
10:00 Ch. Pfeifer (Hamburg): "Finsler spacetime dynamics"
11:30 S. Abdolrahimi (Oldenburg): "Distorted five-dimensional electrically charged black hole"
14:00 N. Guerlebeck (ZARM): "Dipole layers in curved spacetimes"
15:00 D. Philipp (ZARM): "Photon accumulation around black holes"
16:30 E. Hackmann (ZARM): "Motion of test particles in a regular black hole spacetime"
17:30 Y. Itin (JCT): "Which geometry is predicted by the electromagnetic waves?"

Wednesday, 19 June (Room 1730)
09:00 T. Futamase (Tohoku): "A new approximation for non-linear growth of dark matter perturbation and its power spectrum"
10:00 D. Puetzfeld (ZARM): "Motion of test bodies in theories with nonminimal coupling"
11:30 U. Geppert (DLR Bremen): "Pulsars and magnetars: Electromagnetic interactions inside and outside neutron stars"
14:00 T. Scarr (Jerusalem): "Time dilation and velocity and acceleration transformations in a uniformly accelerated frame"
15:00 Y. Friedman (JCT): "Digitization of the harmonic oscillator at high frequencies"

Thursday, 20 June (morning: Room 1730, afternoon: Room 1280)
09:00 J. Steinhoff (ZARM): "Action principles for extended objects in gravitational and electromagnetic fields"
10:00 V. Perlick (ZARM): "Self-force in Bopp-Podolsky theory"
11:30 Y. Obukhov (Moscow): "Electromagnetic energy and momentum in complex media"
14:00 A. Grenzebach (ZARM): "Lensing effects of charged black holes"
15:00 C. Lämmerzahl (ZARM): G
16:30 Ch. Lienau (Oldenburg): "Realizing strong electric fields"
17:30 Y. Itin (JCT): "Light propagation in anisotropic and skewon media"

Download schedule and abstracts

May 2013

April 2013

25 - 26 April 2013, Internationales Begegnungszentrum, IBZ, Bielefeld University

8. Kosmologietag (Cosmology Day)

More information 

March 2013

11 - 13 March 2013, Campus Wechloy, Carl von Ossietzky street, Building W01, University Oldenburg

Models of Gravity Workshop

Monday, March 11, 2013

  • 10:30 - 13:00 Room W01 1-117
  • 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee
  • 11:00 - 12:00 Talk by Robin Tucker (Lancaster University, United Kingdom): "An introduction to gravitational energy"
  • 12:00 - 13:00 Talk by Deborah Aguilera (DLR RY, Bremen): "How does a neutron star cool down? Long and short-term evolution"
  • 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch
  • 14:30 - 18:00 Room W01 0-015
  • 14:30 - 15:00 Student talk: Daniela Kunst (ZARM, Bremen): "Action-Angle Variables and KAM Theory in General Relativity"
  • 15:00 - 15:30 Student talk: Jose Luis Blazquez Salcedo (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain): "Imprint of exotic matter on the quasi-normal modes of realistic neutron stars"
  • 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
  • 16:00 - 17:00 Talk by Daniela Doneva (University Tübingen): "Nonradial oscillations and gravitational wave emission of fast rotating neutron stars"
  • 17:00 - 17:30 Student talk: Bintoro Subagyo (University Oldenburg): "Spherical Symmetric Q-balls and Boson Stars in Anti-de Sitter Spacetime"
  • 17:30 - 18:00 Student talk: Olga Kichakova (University Oldenburg): "Axially symmetric Yang-Mills-Higgs solutions in AdS spacetime"
  • 18:00 - 19:30 Dinner
  • 19:30 - 21:00 Public lecture: Betti Hartmann (Jacobs University Bremen): ""Höhe", "Breite", "Länge" und "Zeit" - gibt es mehr als diese vier bekannten Dimensionen?"

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

  • 09:00 - 12:00  Room W01 0-015
  • 09:00 - 09:30 Coffee
  • 09:30 - 10:30 Talk by Maria Rodriguez (Harvard University, USA): "Black Hole Scattering"
  • 10:30 - 11:30 Talk by Stoytcho Yazadjiev (Sofia University, Bulgaria): "Horizon area-angular momentum-charge inequalities in 4D and 5D Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity"
  • 11:30 - 12:00 Coffee break
  • 12:00 - 13:00 Room W01 1-117
  • 12:00 - 13:00 General Assembly
  • 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch
  • 14:30 - 18:30 Room W01 0-015
  • 14:30 - 15:30 Talk by Oscar Varela (Utrecht University, Netherlands): "Charting the liftable supergravities"
  • 15:30 - 16:00 Student talk: Saskia Grunau (University Oldenburg): "Geodesic motion in the (rotating) black string spacetime"
  • 16:00 - 16:30 Student talk: Song Chen (University Bielefeld): "Number counts in a perturbed FRW universe"
  • 16:30 - 17:00 Coffee break
  • 17:00 - 17:30 Talk by Betti Hartmann (Jacobs University Bremen): Women in Physics
  • 17:30 - 18:30 Women's assembly
  • 18:30 - 20:00 Dinner

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

  • 09:00 - 11:00  Room W01 1-117
  • 09:00 - 09:30 Coffee
  • 09:30 - 10:30 Talk by Shohreh Abdolrahimi (University Oldenburg): "Distorted Black Holes and Geometric Properties of Horizons"
  • 10:30 - 11:00 Student talk: Samae Bagheri (University Bielefeld): "Trajectories of photons in the background and averaged space time"
  • 11:00 - 16:00  Room W01 0-015
  • 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
  • 11:30 - 12:30 Meeting of PIs (PIs only)
  • 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch and board meeting (board members only)
  • 14:00 - 15:00 Talk by Abraham Harte (Albert-Einstein-Institute, Golm): "Gravitational lensing by gravitational waves"
  • 15:00 - 16:00 Talk by Usha Mallik (University of Iowa, USA): "Higgs Boson and its place in the Particle Physics and Universe"
  • 16:00 - 16:30 Departure

Abstracts and pdf documents of the talks

Download program

By public tranportation: Campus Wechloy is serviced by bus number 306 from the Oldenburg Central Station ("ZOB"). Get off at the last bus stop "Carl-v.-Ossietzky-Str.". More information
By car: Coming from the Autobahn junction Oldenburg-Ost you take the A28 to Emden/Leer. Leave the Autobahn on Exit Haarentor and take a right turn into Ammerländer Heerstraße at the first traffic lights. Follow the street for 1300 meters. At the intersection take a right turn into Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße which leads directly to Campus Wechloy. The last intersection comes just before an underpass, which you will cross via a bridge after turning right. More information
See also Campus Wechloy map

February 2013

17 - 23 February 2013, Physikzentrum, Hauptstr. 5, Bad Honnef

524. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Equations of Motion in Relativistic Gravity


  • Dirk Puetzfeld (ZARM, Bremen)
  • Claus Laemmerzahl (ZARM, Bremen)
  • Bernard F. Schutz (AEI, Potsdam)

Directions: The Physikzentrum is within walking distance from the Bad Honnef Central station (~10 min). Please take a look at the city map for further information

January 2013

December 2012

November 2012

October 2012

25 - 28 October 2012, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Freiburg, Hermann-Herder-Str. 3, Freiburg

The German Conference of Women in Physics 2012

Deadline for abstract submission: September 24, 2012
Deadline for application to the WE-Heraeus-communication program (travel grant): September 27, 2012
Deadline for online participants registration with early-bird-fee: October 1, 2012
Deadline for Online-Registration: October 12, 2012

More Information 

4 - 5 October 2012, Room 1730, ZARM, University of Bremen

Workshop Models Of Gravity


Thursday, October 4, 2012

10:30 - 11:30 Alan Huckleberry (Jacobs University Bremen) "Math-Physics Synergy: One Mathematician's Viewpoint"
11:30 - 12:00 Agenda Setting
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 - 14:00 Anneliese Niehoff (University Bremen) Gender equality
14:00 - 15:00 Women's assembly
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 17:00 Small group meetings

Friday, October 5, 2012

10:00 - 11:00 Renate Loll (Radboud University Nijmegen) "Quantum spacetime, from a practitioner's point of view"
11:00 - 12:00 Kepa Sousa (Jacobs University Bremen) "Supersymmetric Decoupling in Cosmology"
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 - 16:00 Small group meetings

Abstracts of the talks

Directions: take tram no. 6 from the airport or from the Central station (direction: Universität). Get off on the last stop of the route: Klagenfurterstraße. You will see the drop tower 50 m ahead of you. 

September 2012

3 - 7 September 2012, Physikzentrum, Hauptstr. 5, Bad Honnef

Heraeus-Seminar: Algebro-geometric methods in fundamental physics


  • Claus Lämmerzahl (Bremen)
  • Victor Enolski (Kiev)
  • Jutta Kunz (Oldenburg)

More Information 

Directions: The Physikzentrum is within walking distance from the Bad Honnef Central station (~10 min). 

August 2012

27 - 30 August 2012, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia

The 3rd International Workshop

"Supersymmetry in Integrable Systems"

more information

July 2012

June 2012

May 2012

3 - 4 May 2012, University of Bielefeld

Bielefelder Kosmologietage

More information

April 2012

12 April 2012, Jacobs University Bremen

"Gavity in flat space" - General Relativity in Northern Germany - German-Mexican Workshop


March 2012

28 - 30 March 2012, Room 0140, Building SFG, University of Bremen

Inaugural Meeting


Februar 2012

January 2012

December 2011

November 2011

October 2011

September 2011

12 - 16 September 2011, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst

Algebro-Geometric methods in Gauge Theory and General Relativity


  • Claus Lämmerzahl (Bremen)
  • Victor Enolski (Kiev)
  • Jutta Kunz (Oldenburg)
  • Emma Previato (Boston)

More information

August 2011

15 - 17 August 2011, ZARM, University of Bremen

1st GIF workshops on "Exploration of Electrodynamics"


  • Claus Lämmerzahl (Bremen)

July 2011

June 2011

May 2011

April 2011

March 2011

February 2011

January 2011

News & Events

no news in this list.