15 November 2021

Space Science at Droptower SEMINAR TALK

Location: ZARM Bremen - Online seminar
When: 15.11.2021, 17:00 CET - Online

Speaker: Manuel Hohmann (University of Tartu)

Title: Cosmological perturbations in teleparallel gravity

Abstract: Teleparallel theories of gravity are actively studied as candidates to address so far unexplained observations in cosmology, such as the tension between different measurements of the Hubble parameter. Deriving the cosmological phenomenology of a given theory of gravity crucially relies on the theory of cosmological perturbations. In my talk I explain how cosmological perturbations are calculated in teleparallel gravity theories, with a particular focus on metric teleparallel gravity theories. Among the latter, I will discuss f(T) gravity and possible solutions to the strong coupling problem. As an aside, I discuss difficulties and solutions for a computer algebra approach to cosmological perturbations.

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