1. October 2019
Location: ZARM, University of Bremen, Room 1280
When: 01.10.2019, 14:30 h
Speaker: Prof. Mahmood Roshan (Department of Physics, Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad, Iran)
Title: Evolution of spiral galaxies: distinction between modified gravity and particle dark matter
Abstract: The long-term evolution of the spiral galaxies via high-resolution simulations combined with the relevant observations may help to distinguish between particle dark matter and modified gravity theories. It turns out that there are features associated with particle dark matter which cannot be reconstructed by modified gravity. We study the evolution of spiral galaxies in two well-studied modified gravity theories. These theories are scalar-tensor-vector gravity known as MOG (Moffat 2006), and a model of nonlocal gravity (NLG) (Hehl & Mashhoon 2009). We show that the bar growth and the bar pattern speed evolves differently in modified gravity and standard dark matter halo paradigm. More specifically, we show that the density wave dynamics on the surface of galaxies in these different viewpoints reveals significant differences. For example, disks in modified gravity host fast bars compatible with observations. While disks in the standard viewpoint host slow bars in contrast to observation.
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